Our service provides API access to connect third-party applications to the chatbot. Connecting via API has some limitations: first, there is no saving of chats, and second, you can't set "Actions, if there no operators and answers".
To send the question to the bot, use a POST request to with the following parameters:
1. test="-1" - constant
2. bid - constant (The value can be found in the settings of the bot)
3. key- constant (This is the access key to the robot. The value can be found in the bot's settings. To avoid unauthorized access, keep it in secret.)
4. pid="0000000000" - initial value (To continue the dialog you must rewrite after each answer. The value "0000000000" means the beginning of a new dialog)
5. ask="" - your question
As a response comes the text in JSON format with two parameters:
1. reply - chat bot reply
2. pid-the new dialog ID to overwrite the pid
If the robot has no answer or if you have exceeded of the tariff limits then reply="" , pid=""
jQuery Example
1. Create an HTML form with one button and two text fields.
<input type="text" id="reply" style="width:100px;">
<input type="text" id="question" style="width:100px;">
<input style="width:100px;" type="button" id="send_button" value="click!">
2. JS code
<script type="text/javascript">
var test_global='-1';
var bid_global=1234567891234567; /*from the bot's settings in your personal account */
var key_global='edac7ab83b0f8bf29b4284ae4c8e6f33526f3371'; /*from the bot's settings in your personal account */
var pid_global='0000000000';
var reply=$('#reply'); /*response field*/
var question = $('#question'); /*question field*/
var send_button = $('#send_button'); /*button to send a request*/
/*handle the button click*/ () {
var result=getApiAnwser(question.val());/*send a question to the robot*/
var getobj= $.parseJSON(result); /*turn the response into a JSON object*/
reply.val(getobj.reply); /*get the robot's response from the object*/; /*overwrite pid*/
function getApiAnwser(ask) {
var ret;
dataType: "text",
type: "POST",
url: "",
async: false,
data: {test: test_global, pid: pid_global, ask: ask, bid: bid_global, key: key_global},
success: function (result) {
ret = result;
return ret;